Ryan's Annual Wee Epistle

But work catches up to ya and so it did: three speaking sea sagas ensued, but first: Carissa & Jeff met us making Montreal magical, then onboard to quintessential Quebec City, a Saguenay sea plane ride, lobster rolls TDF at Prince Edward Island, Irish Poutine in St. John, ending in a festive feast from fabulous friends in Ft Lauderdale, to which we hastily returned to join same to Barbados boarding for the AzAmazing Amazon (river not…): Manaus, Rio, Spinoglio Winery, and Buenos Aires et al plus so many new friends as always! Sloth hug a highlight! No rest for the beery, so off to Santiago in advance to sample sumptuously afore sallying south amidst Chilean fjords, glaciers, & buffets to Patagonia, Ushaia, the Falklands, Spinoglio Winery, and Buenos Aires - the winery is that good and BA isi that cool. Pinguinos the absolute highlight plus Tango lessons (we bought the shoes!).